Bicycle Film Festival - Ottawa #3
Available to Stream June 11th - 20th, 2021
The 20th Anniversary of Bicycle Film Festival is going virtual!
BFF is arriving in Ottawa virtually.
Jun. 11 - 20
Hosted by XOVELO
Ever wonder how the Netherlands became a cycling nation? Join us for virtual screening of TOGETHER WE CYCLE.
BICYCLE FILM FESTIVAL has been celebrating bicycles through art, film and music for the last 20 years with over 90 cities worldwide and a viewer audience of 1 million and growing. The festival has an incredible history of working with the most important artists, filmmakers, venues, and institutions around the world.
TOGETHER WE CYCLE (documentary feature film) investigates the critical events that led to the revival of the Dutch cycling culture.
For most people, cycling in the Netherlands, appears like a natural phenomenon. However, until the 1970s the development of mobility in the Netherlands followed trends across the globe. The bicycle had had its day, and the future belonged to the car. The only thing that had to be done was to adapt cities to the influx of cars.
Then Dutch society took a different turn. Against all odds people kept on cycling. The answer to the question why this happened in the Netherlands, is not straight forward. There are many factors, events and circumstances that worked together, both socially and policy-wise.
In TOGETHER WE CYCLE, key players tell the story of the bumpy road which led to the current state. Where cycling is an obvious choice for most citizens.
How does the virtual Bicycle Film Festival Ottawa #3 work?
A ticket allows you to view TOGETHER WE CYCLE from Jun. 11, 6:00pm ET through Jun. 20, 11:59pm ET streamed to your computer, tablet, or smart TV by simply clicking on the link provided by email 15 minutes before opening date and time. Ticket prices are "sliding scale" $10, $15, $20 so all ticket prices entitle you to the same content. You may view BFF in one sitting, or as you will, from the comfort and safety of your home.