Mozart FrizzLit Music Club

Mondays, 6-8 pm Pacific on Zoom, May 13 to July 1

at Virtual
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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Possibly the most powerful musical mind in history. 

He composed his first minuet at the age of 6, his first symphony at 8. Ideas poured out of him, gushed out of him, as fast as he could scrawl notes on the page. He wrote more than 800 works in 35 short years. His life was a symphony of contradictions: He worked around the clock but never had a job. Hobnobbed with queens and emperors but was always a servant. Composed music of haunting beauty but acted like a clown. Lived at the cusp of a revolution but died before he could join it. 

Mozart is the grandmaster of the classical style. His work overflows with a beauty and symmetry that seems almost effortless. Don't be fooled. Peel back the elegant wallpaper and you'll find a sonic engine room thrumming with diabolical harmonies, daring rhythms, breathtaking phrases, and unfilfilled longing. Mozart was a restless innovator, constantly seeking new ways to astonish and delight, climbing higher and higher without ever letting us see him break a sweat. 

In this 2-month course, we're going to bring Mozart's music to life. We going to learn how to listen to Mozart and what to listen for. We'll explore some amazing creations, from the Serenade for Winds to the haunting Piano Concerto 23. We'll dig into the life and times of this singular composer to get deeper insight into his music and his legacy. 

Are meetings recorded?

Yes. All meetings are recorded and automatically sent out to all ticketholders within 48 hours. 

Who is leading this club?

Chris Lydgate is an author and journalist who led the first FrizzLit classical music club in October 2023. He has a gift for insight and storytelling and making classical music accessible — and a joy. Despite having been born in England, he bears no relation to Dr. Tertius Lydgate in Middlemarch. He lives in Portland, Oregon.

Do I need to buy any music?

No, we will be discussing recordings available on YouTube.

Should I just listen through my laptop's speakers?

No! For your own sake. Listen with headphones or — if you have them — external speakers. Don’t listen to this music through laptop speakers. 

Is financial assistance available?

Yes. If you would like to join this course but price is a barrier, financial assistance is available. Please apply here.

Thank you to everyone who donates

We see your name on the list if you are among those who choose to pay extra, and we do a happy dance of gratitude to thank you for making this class accessible to someone who would not be able to afford it otherwise. 

Mozart's portrait

Spendidly illustrated by Kathryn Rathke