Flannery O'Connor Book Club

Nine Saturdays, Oct 5 to Nov 30, 10-11:30 am (Pacific)

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Early-bird price expires September 13.
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Full admission to the 9-week class.
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Full admission to the 9-week class, plus a $50 donation to financial assistance.
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This Halloween, FrizzLit is reading the Southern Gothic short-story master Flannery O'Connor. Her fiction often centers on family tensions that turn toward darkness — which makes her timely for Thanksgiving, too.

We will read and discuss 6 of O’Connor’s greatest short stories, one per week, as we learn about her life, the historical context of her work, and the uniqueness of her talent. Then we will spend 3 weeks reading her novel Wise Blood.

Like the plays of Sophocles, O’Connor’s fictional ironies are not just dramatic — they are cosmic. It’s a southern fricassee: a hilarious, savage but always delicious stew of misfits on the lam, faith healers, missing limbs, racial tension, shady Bible salesmen, feral children, feckless parents, stolen cars, car accidents, renegade priests, noisy peacocks, sacrificial bulls, and, of course, the inevitable unwanted chifferobe, because it’s The South.

The books you need for this class are The Complete Stories and Wise Blood. Follow those links and get those editions if you want to have the same page numbers as everyone else during discussions.


Brian Bouldrey is a professor of creative writing and literature at Northwestern University, where he has been teaching O'Connor's fiction for years. He is the author of 9 books of fiction and nonfiction.

Christopher Frizzelle is the former editor-in-chief of The Stranger and the founder of Frizzlit.


The Complete Stories of Flannery O'Connor, and the novel Wise Blood.

If you purchase them using those links, a few cents go to FrizzLit — so thanks for that! Or find them at a library or bookstore near you.


If you would like to join this class but price is a barrier, sponsorship funds are available to help make it possible. Please apply here.


Thank you to everyone who pitches in extra to support the FrizzLit community.


Splendidly illustrated by Kathryn Rathke
