Stranger Debates: Seattle's Only Candidate Forum Presents Legislative District 37: Kirsten Harris-Talley vs Chukundi Salisbury

Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 8pm

at Online Streaming
This event has passed.

The battle to fill this open seat in South Seattle pits Seattle Parks engagement manager Chukundi Salisbury against NARAL Pro-Choice Washington executive director Kirsten Harris-Talley.

You might remember Harris-Talley for her role in resuscitating the head tax as an interim Seattle City Council Member, and you might remember Salisbury for his role as the DJ of a party you might not remember, or, less wholesomely, for constantly promoting entrepreneurship among the youths in the district.

Either way, you should know that Salisbury promises to prioritize increasing government contracting with minority owned businesses, fight for criminal justice reform, and hire more black and brown teachers. Harris-Talley is going all-in with plenty of specifics for righting our upside down tax code, finally fully funding public education, and securing climate justice.

Harris-Talley has been cheesing around the district since she took home over 51% of the vote share in the August primaries, but this race is far from over as both candidates continue banking endorsements and spamming their social media feeds with heart-warming campaign photos.

To help draw a contrast between these two contenders, tonight a bunch of foul-mouthed Stranger reporters dressed up like maniacs will run them through a gantlet of tough questions, policy battles, fantasy character-building exercises, and a totally low-rent Zoom talent show. After all that, the Stranger will poll the audience and announce a winner.

All debates start at 8:00 p.m. and end at 9:30 p.m.

The "Pay What You Can" proceeds from this forum will go toward supporting The Stranger. We depend on your continuing support to help fund our coverage. If you wish to make an additional contribution to support The Stranger you can do so here.


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