Stranger Debates: Seattle's Only Candidate Forum Presents Legislative District 36: Liz Berry vs Sarah Reyneveld

Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 8pm

at Online Streaming
This event has passed.

This race asks the people of the Ballard area a key and pressing question: Do you want a lawyer or the director of a lawyers association to represent you in Olympia???

Weigh in tonight as assistant attorney general Sarah Reyneveld faces off against trial lawyers association director Liz Berry in the race to fill this open seat.

Both candidates promise to vote for meaningful climate change legislation, police reform, bail reform, good housing bills, and better tenant protections. Both exceed the qualifications for the job. Berry claims the two disagree when it comes to laying off public employees during the recession, but Reyneveld argues she will not support cuts to public sector jobs in upcoming budget negotiations.

One thing is for certain: Berry led Reyneveld by nine points in the August primary, so Reyneveld’s got some catching up to do.

And she may get that opportunity tonight, when a bunch of foul-mouthed Stranger reporters dressed up like maniacs run both candidates through a gantlet of tough questions, policy battles, fantasy character-building exercises, and a totally low-rent Zoom talent show. After all that, the Stranger will poll the audience and announce a winner.

Debate starts at 8 p.m. and ends at 9:30 p.m.

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